Quant-Based Mutual Fund Allocation Services

IFA has developed a quantitative multi-asset allocation model which can create customized portfolios based on the financial needs of the client. Additionally, the model provides economic trend indications that allow rebalancing the portfolio in order to profit from changes in asset prices.
Choosing the right instrument/fund to express a trading view or an investment strategy is often as important as the idea itself.
IFA Global also helps clients identify the best funds in each category (i.e. Equity, Debt, Hybrid, Gold, International Equities, Solution-oriented) to implement investment ideas.
IFA assigns ratings to funds in each category using a proprietary quant-based model which takes into account the following:
1. Financial Ratio: Statistical tools such as Sharpe Ratio, Standard Deviation, Information ratio, Sortino Raio, and Tracking Error
2. Expense Ratio: How it compared with other funds in the same category
3. Changes in Assets under Management
4. Track record of fund managers
5. Current holdings (To evaluate to what extent the portfolio is concentrated/diversified)
6. Exit Load if applicable
The above parameters ensure that the fund is evaluated not only on the basis of its historical performance but also based on its potential future performance.
IFA tracks fund performance on a dynamic basis and would advise if it feels switching to a different fund would help improve portfolio performance.
MIS highlighting how the fund has performed relative to its Benchmark and peers would be shared with the client on a monthly basis. This helps clients evaluate fund performance and portfolio performance at a glance.
IFA Global will take care of the entire investment process right from the KYC formalities up to reporting for tax return filing including transaction execution. All these activities will be performed in online mode hence there will be no need for any paperwork.